Ok, I am experiencing problems when trying to burn DVD's and play them on my DVD player (Phillips player). I am using Nero to burn. The DVD player will not recognize anything I try to burn. It recognizes older movies I made using the same burner and the same software and they work fine. But anything I try now will not work. The region codes and video format (NTSC or PAL) match up with the player but they still won't work. The movies I am burning were converted from AVI files. I have tried converting to DVD and burning with Nero, but no dice. I also converted to DVD using WinAVIConverter, then burned with Nero. I tried converting with both above methods and then used DVDShrink to turn it into an ISO image, then used Nero to burn the image. Nothing worked. I haven't tried any of the copies made on other DVD players to see if they work but I need to. Everything I try pretty much results in the player saying "bad disc". Any suggetions?
And is there any difference about the media you used to burn your old movies and those you are using now?Maybe different brands or different formats?Be more clear on the medias you're using and those you used before. Vincent.
One thing just crossed my mind.Maybe what you just did was converting these avi.files into video files and just burnt them on a dvd.If it's like this,then of course your dvd player won't recognize the dvd.After converting your avi.files into DVD video format files,you should go to Nerovision Express where you import each of your video files as seperate titles and then add a menu to that.You just need to follow the instructions you'll find in the Nerovision step by step and you won't go wrong.Then when you put the disc in your player,it will start by showing you the menu where you just navigate and go on which video you want to view.The menu plays a kind of bridge and link for all your video files,without it,you won't get access to these video files. Vincent.
the media question is very valid..... using good media is important! Rule of thumb: Made in Japan disks are better. Taiyo Yuden, Verbatim (also made in Taiwan/Singapore), Sony, Maxell are great, top notch media. Starting off with good media is important so you can rule out the media when a problem occurs. Make sure your player can read the disk is important. Use the correct media type that your player will play! -Rs or +Rs.... read the manual and make sure you use that type of media! then there is the conversion programs you are using. I use VSO ConvertXtoDVD: http://www.vso-software.fr/products/convert_x_to_dvd/ try the free version, although it does leave a watermark logo on the final product, it will be a good indication of what will work and what doesn't!~ Plus this is a faster and easier program to work with and will burn right to the media after converting, if you set the setting to.
Well, it could be the media but I don't think so. I can't remember if all of the older movies that work were the same media or not cause I lent them out, but most were different than what I have now. The different ones are DVD+RW, the ones I am trying now are DVD+R. However, some movies with the different media than current don't work as well. The ones that don't work now also play when put into the computer but I haven't got a chance to test other players yet. However, T4ever brought something to my attention. That is he mentioned something about selecting the DVD video files one by one into Nero. Before I think I just imported the folders (you know AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS), from the converted AVI. So let me try that. The DVD's won't work with nero converting the AVI to DVD so it may not matter, but it's worth a try.
Ok, this time I used a real DVD I had laying around so there were no conversion issues, just straight up VOB files. First, it was ripped using DVDFabDecryptor only because DVDShrink kept giving me errors with this particular DVD. Then using Nero Express I added the VOB segments, just the ones for the movie. It was to big with the extra shit and I didn't feel like writing it as an image to the HDD and then running DVDShrink on it. The files fit with some room to spare and I twerked up a cheap ass quick Nero-style Menu and shit, then burned it. It worked on the PC and laptop. It still wouldn't work on the DVD player or the XBOX (the XBOX is picky anyway even with modchip). So I at first deemed it the media (MAXELL DVD+R 4.7GB) as it did seem all the problems started when I bought these discs. Then I came across a copy of Clockwork Orange I had burned a while back on the MAXELL DVD+R's. It worked on the DVD Player! So I guess it may not be the media? It's hard to say cause the bad media may never work, or some may work or whatever. I guess let me see if I can dig up a DVD+RW and test it and see if it's the media or not.