Trouble ripping Nightmare Before Christmas

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by mcelano83, Dec 10, 2008.

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  1. mcelano83

    mcelano83 Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    I'm having trouble ripping Nightmare Before Christmas. I'm using DVD Fab HD Decrypter to rip, then DVD Shrink to transcode... That's as far as I'm getting... My problem is, I rip "Full Disc" in Fab, then when I go to transcode in Shrink and enable video preview, as I watch it, it seems that it's only the special features and bonus footage, not the actual movie... In Shrink, it even shows the folder "Main Movie", but like I said, when I watch the main movie play down, it's not the movie... it's just features and such... how can I fix this? Why is this happening?? It's quite frustrating... I'm also seeing an "RCE Protected" warning message that pops up before I try to transcode in Shrink... And I had DVD Region+CSS running in the background... If I select region 1, will it still work? Please help. Thanks so much

    - Mike
  2. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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