trouble while in mIRC my first time........

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by mamaree, Apr 8, 2003.

  1. mamaree

    mamaree Guest

    okay I downloaded mirc i have connected to I've gone to #smr-movies Realm and all that, I don't know what an fserver is and while I am in smr I ask people what do I do to download dream catcher they tell me go to smr info when I type this nothing happened and I downloaded smrpatch thing and when I unzip it the command tells me something that doesn't make any sense I just wanna do this! and one forum made it sound easy and it's not.please someone give me exact directions cause I think people leave out some things that I need to know to do this
  2. Liquid86

    Liquid86 Guest

    Im assuming you're trying to download files, the best way to find what you need is o go to an outside website on which you can search for files in the same way you would on kazaa. I use After finding what you need, look up the user name (it'll be on the same page and should be very easy to find) and the packet number and you have to use and XDCC get command to retrieve the file. an example is /msg *user name* xdcc send #*packet number*
  3. mamaree

    mamaree Guest

    I seen another discussion on afterdawn where someone had given another person directions to download movies off mirc and from these directions I've been trying but it is so confusing another person I spoke with in the smr chat had given me directios to go to smr-info, and I type that in while in mirc nothing happeneds and then I found this site for smr but there are no directions for me to download the movies off mirc or anything like that..the directions on how to search on mirc were alright but no one said once your in smr chat then what
  4. dr.phlox

    dr.phlox Member

    Apr 19, 2003
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    i have used mirc for about a month, and am slowly learning.
    once in the smr room, enter
    this will list all the ops sharing files
    alternativly, enter
    @find dream catcher
    this will list all users sharing the dream catcher file
    you will then will have to link up to collect the file. some users use odd names with non standard names. to copy the name, highlight them with the cursor. (copy command is not needed) you can then paste it to a command line.
    there are 2 ways of linking to get a file. one is mentioned by liquid. the other, which is easier is as follows (assumes phlox is the user who has the file)
    /ctcp phlox!files
    once in the files, click on the item displayed, such as a directory called 'movies'
    by default the command line will show 'cd movies' select enter.
    navigate through anyother directory, until the file is displayed. click on the file. on the command line a get... command is displayed. select enter to confirm it.
    you are then either sent the file straight away, or placed in queue. the window link will close after 30 seconds, but your queued item (if sucessfull) will be downloaded shortly.
    unfortunatly, it is all about trial and error.
    somethings work in one room, and are banned in another.
    i downloaded both parts of dream catcher from saltek a week or so back.
  5. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    you gotta be real careful going in a channel and just typing !list. i've seen people banned and even klined for that. the best thing to do in any channel is to type !rules before you do anything else, then you'll get a list of rules that the channel allows or does not allow, this can also be seen in the channel header sometimes. I've been using IRC for about 8 years now, seen alot of weird stuff, slot of wonderful stuff too. if you need help, PM me.
  6. mamaree

    mamaree Guest

    Thank you so much!! I will try this details help thank you
  7. bootnik11

    bootnik11 Guest

    How do I change servers?-For example I read a post that said they used I tried to put that in under File,Options, Local Info, and then in the Local Host box, but this does not work. Because then when I try to enter a channel such as #smr-movies Realm (i think that is correct, if not tell me the righit channel name please) and when i get into that channel there isn't anyone in it so i am thinking i am not in the rght server or something-please help me, thank you very much whoever replies
  8. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    to change servers you simply need to enter this command - /server (of course you'll need the server name)
  9. bootnik11

    bootnik11 Guest

    thank you for your reply however can you please give me a good server to get movies from and a good channel on that server-thank did not work-it said it was unable to resolve server
  10. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    please dont mention what you are getting, as it could be viewed as discussing piracy. try - all kinds of servers listed, and the channels on those servers, and the packs being offered in those channels.
  11. dr.phlox

    dr.phlox Member

    Apr 19, 2003
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    to change servers, i do a manual disconnect by clicking over the 'file' and cancel connection button. i then select 'open' then either select my next destination and use the connect buton, or create a new entry before connecting via the connect button. i do not put the new room name in, but list them before entry.

    try the following irc's that i use
    irc.ircgalaxynet - note the 'irc' is part of the name, and you are connecting to an irc type device, so you have to put it in twice. <general films> <mainly sci-fi> <mainly films> <mainly sci-fi> <films> <bit torrent dominated sites>

    i connect to the main irc site, then enter
    for a list of sites, select the one i am interested in and then left click the mouse, and select join to enter my desired location.

    obviously, do not connect to any illegal sites, which infringe copyright material....

  12. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    i also highly recommend using the exursion script for IRC. it has a nice multi network feature that allows connections to multiple networks, plus it has an anti-spam feature, and nice war toys (if you're into that kinda thing, please do not ask me about the war stuff, as i will not respond. dont mess with it till you been in IRC for a year or to, or you're liable to get owned). excursion is available at
  13. bootnik11

    bootnik11 Guest

    Thank you for all your info i am now in a channel that has what i want, however sinec i am fairly new to this and it may be a dumb question i need to know how to dl the stuff int eh channel basically from step once once i enter the channel-thank you very much
  14. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    I'd need to know what kinds of servers you were seeing, there are fserves, xdcc bots, @find, ftp's, etc, etc. is is something you went to from packetnews?
  15. bootnik11

    bootnik11 Guest

    sorry i am not exactly sure what you are talking about i am learning slowly but surely here. i went to this irc and then went to a channel that has lots of what i want in it which is movies-then i was trying to use the commands that other people have posted to start to download such as !list which i think worked to show everone sharing files. i then tryed to do what i read on another post and that is @find soandso and it did not work i then tried to do /cdc thepersonsname!files or something like taht that isn;t the exact command i put in but u know what i mean and it said that it was like and invalid entry ot somehing-please help me on this further thank you
  16. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    ok if it was an xdcc bot you need to look in the channel aound the packs that you are seeing, look for the add for that bot, it will say something like this -
    2 packs**0 of 5 slots open, Queue:4/20 Record 678.4KB/s
    To request file type:"/msg xx|00043 xdcc send #x" -- you want to replace that #x with the pack # you want like #2 or #1. there are other bots that use the ctcp syntax, therefore the command would be /ctcp xx|00043 xdcc send #1 --- most of the time when the bots lists in the channel, the syntax for requesting a file from that bot will be at the top of his list. and the ctcp bots usually have there syntax and queue info at the bottom of their list. it takes a while and it's kinda overwhelming at first, but you'll get it.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2003
  17. bootnik11

    bootnik11 Guest

    i'm sorry i don't understand what you are saying i am in a channel call #ultimate-movies-mp3's etc. on server see the file listed that i want however i still don;t understand what to do to dl it pleae give me simple intructions like for example say the movie was "dream catcher (1 of 1)" and the user that had it was named "loader"(this is just an example)-what would i do thank you again u ahve been helpful so far
  18. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    check PM
  19. mamaree

    mamaree Guest

    Hello...I've been still learning and so much to remember at once ya know there are alot of certain phrases to remember but I feel like I'm almost there and where do I go in my mirc to recieve downloaded files? Thanks everyone is helpful
  20. Mak10

    Mak10 Member

    May 1, 2003
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    Just to help some of the new mirc users you can go to and at the top do a xdcc search for the file you are looking for
    it will serch all dcc senders for the file yore looking for it helped me out all kinds..know i just search for the best quality movies and click on them .it will turn mirc on for you and take you to the channel that has the file Hope this helps some of you....
    Last edited: May 2, 2003

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