trouble with ftp files from box to pc

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by bladedawg, Aug 5, 2004.

  1. bladedawg

    bladedawg Guest

    im havinmg probs with ftp,

    `I have established lan connection, to pc, I have pinged the xbox with succesful return,
    I have got total commander 32(6.03), and flashfxp,
    now using total commander, whats the settings i have to put in, . it comes up with "no response time out" when connecting, now i have created a new FTP connection, and use xbox as username and xbox as pw, ?? i cant seem to get the ftp working on either ftp sw, ?? could someone pls help me, i got the gdfimage prog to make iso images to burn, so im so close, .. thanks in advance, regards
  2. scottas

    scottas Guest

    Do you have a dashboard installed on the xbox? You will need to do this first. Once installed you can then see the ip address of your xbox in the dash settings. Enter this in flashfxp along with username xbox and password xbox.
  3. bladedawg

    bladedawg Guest

    yes got it all fixed thanks
  4. bladedawg

    bladedawg Guest

    thanks man, yes i do i got evo-.. seems to be onboard lan, using lan card ext, so its fine, sorry to bother you guys,

    its actually real simple, regards

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