ok so i have a soft modded xbox and all those other programs needed to mod but when i use flash fxp to ftp my xbox to my comp i still cant get it. if you could show me how it would be great.
Make sure you have your connection set up right with your PC. Go to start/control panel/network connections From here, pick whichever connection you have your XBox connected to. For me, I have two connections. One for my Xbox, and one for my internet. Two different ethernet cards to be exact. Once you have that, right click on it and then click properties. When the window comes up, click on the general tab. In the box below, click on internet protocol[TCP/IP] Then make sure that Use the following IP address is checked. In IP address type 192 168 0 3 In subnet type 255 255 255 0 Leave everything else blank and click ok. Once you have that done, open up Flash FXP. When it has loaded, click on the lightening bolt above the right hand window. Or you could just hit F8. In server/url type the IP address for your Xbox. Username is xbox and so is the password. Make sure that the port is set to 21. Remote path should be blank, and proxy server should be set to none (no proxy needed). Once you have done all of that, make sure your XBox is on and loaded into your modded dashboard. Then click on connect. If you did everything correctly, you should see a series of folders appear in the right hand window. If it does not work, make sure that you have the right hand window set to FTP Browser. You can see that by looking at the furthest right icon above the right hand window. When you set your cursor on it, if a message comes up saying Switch to Local Browser, then you are okay. If it says Switch to FTP Browser, go ahead and click it. Then try to connect again. I hope all this helped you. If not, let me know and I will see what else I can do to help you, or perhaps someone else will have an idea of what could be wrong. Also... make sure you are using a crossover cable and not just a normal ethernet cable.
i had probs with it aswell, if your xbox is already modded and you know its ip then go into internet explorer and type this into the address bar: ftp://xbox:xbox@(put your xboxs ip here without the brackets) that might work.
ok ill see what i can do ill tell u if nothin happens and im using a cross over cable not some normal ethernet one
when i connect it says connection failed(connection timed out) so is there anything i need in particular to be in the system settings of the dash?
ok now it says lost connection when i try to connect with flash fxp i still have no idea how to fix this though and i tried the internet explorer thing and the same thing comes up.
on your pc does it say the ethernet connection has limited or no connectivity? if so you need to fix that first.