Hey everyone, i just got a new 5th generation ipod. I can get music on my ipod, but it seems like my computer doesn't recognize that it is a 5th gen ipod. I can put videos in the library, and they are mpeg4, but when i go to update, it will only update songs. I will take any suggestions. Thanks.
go to Edit--->prefernecs--->ipod--->videos-->always update videos, this should fix the problem....remember the videos have to be in mp4. to play in the ipod edited by ddp
Yeah, but for some reason I don't have a video tab. I used the cd that came with the ipod, so it should, but it doesn't.
okay you must have that tab or your itunes must be outdated...go to edit then prefernece then to ipod, there should be tab for video or movie, when you find that tab, just press on always update videos... edited by ddp
Yes, that is correct. I put videos in video library, but "video update" must be set to automatic. It works with my iPod. I've put and removed 20 videos so far and it works perfectly. It uses a lot of battery power when I play those videos, though.
Hey I'm having the same problem as dork. I recently downloaded the newest version of iTunes and I have a 60 Gig 5th generation ipod but when i go to that video prefence everything is grey and I can't chose automatically update videos. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
i got a 5G ipod for xmas this year and after i installed iTunes, it said there was a newer version of iTunes available. i installed the new version and i don't have a problem getting mp4 onto my ipod. maybe the video tab is in the newer version?
I don't think thats it because I downloaded the newest version of itunes on apple's website and my video preferences are still grey. Just out of curiosity, are we talking about videos that are downloaded from apple's music store or videos downloaded from places like limewire?
Exactly.... your videos, movies, whatever must be formatted for the iPod... being an mpeg4 file doesn't mean it's iPod ready. Spend $1.99 and purchase a video from iTunes to see if it works...
Hey guys im really having trouble here i have lime wire and i dont really know how to get music videos into my ipod? can i download music videos from limewire and but them on my ipod or so i need to download it from something else? i also need to no how to get the videos on! please help me! and thank u ^_^
And why does everyone insist on setting their iPods to automatically sync... It's a bad idea on so many levels... If your computer harddrive crashes you'll lose eyerything on your iPod.. If you visit a friend and download a song or two.... when you get home you'll lose everything on your iPod.. If you can't get iTunes to auto update videos try dragging one of those videos into the iPod... chances are they're not iPod ready..
Hey Julia91... You may have to convert those videos... there are several solutions available for download... Do you have a PC or Mac???
Okay... it cost a few dollars but "pqdvd to iPod" will not only convert your limewire files but it will also convert most DVDs to iPod as well.... yes, your favorite movies in your pocket!!!
Thats really tempting but i really dont have a few dollors to spare.I am really trying to save up fro colledge, i just nee to find a way to get my videos on ipod
Hi, i have received a video ipod recently... My problem is really weird and have spent lots of time on it and still cannot figure it out. I put a few movies in mp4 (i bought an ipod movie converter) on my ipod without a problem when i had just got it, however just recently my converted limewire downloads in mp4 would not be able to get into itunes. I tried to import the movies several times different ways into itunes but itunes wouldnt even respond...please help...
Maybe you can have a try on WinAVI 3GP/MP4/PSP/iPod Video Converter http://www.winavi.com/en/psp-3gp-mp4/ipod-video-converter.htm
hi everyone i just got the ipod 60g but i have a problem with videos when i upload the music video to my ipod i can see it but i can't hear it ther's no music on my video, after i convert the video is ok but after the convertion there is no music on th video, if someone can help me i will apreciated.
How are you converting the video? If you're using the built in converter in iTunes or Quicktime, that's probably the problem. Try using Videora [which is free] or any other method listed here: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/244629
hey yeah so i hav lime wire and i always out songs on to itunes no probmlem and when i put the videos on itunes it works but wheni press update ipod it updates everything except the videos y is this and how can i put my videos on my ipod