I got on my computer today, and it said that some updates were available for Windows. I updated, and now my wireless connection won't work at all. I'll go to the "View Wireless Networks" window, connect to it, but in the box where the network is, it will say "Not connected", but I can't connect to it down in the bottom corner again. Also, before then, a network appeared out of nowhere that shouldn't exist in my house. I don't know if they're part of a virus or something. It's called "NoMansLan", and despite the cleverness, its existence is bothering me.
and the updates might have changed the Firewall settings, try turning the firewall off and seeing if it works
I turned off the firewall, and it still didn't work. And nomanslan doesn't have any keys. The signal is really weak. Now that I think of it, it might be my next door neighbor's network.