PC was fine last night - this morning no signal to monitor. At boot up (Windows XP Pro), HDD indicator light flashes on, Rom Drive lights flash on, no signal to monitor. I replaced the Power Supply (had a spare on hand). Same results as above. I found that the Video Card (Radeon 9800 Pro) cooling fan had completely broken loose from the heat sink. I replaced the broken Video Card Cooler with a Zalman VF700 Cooler (also happened to have that on hand). Same results as above. I temporarily replaced the HDD with an old one I had (I think it's working OK). Same results as above. Question: If the Video Card is shot, should the PC still boot to Windows (which it isn't doing) or could the problem be the CPU(AMD Athlon 64 3200+) or the Motherboard?
try another videocard even a lowly pci videocard will still work. any beeps from motherboard speaker? try clearing the cmos battery as have found that to work sometimes to kickstart a stubborn system.