i just put the movie Hostel on my hard drive using dvd shrink, now im trying to put it on a dvd and i cant find any software to do it. I have nero but i'm having problems with it. when i try to use the funtion make a dvd movie it egt an error saying the program isnt installed properly so i re-installed it and i get the same thing. So if anyone knows a program i can use i would appriciate it thanks
you can try imgburn it's a free software the link to it is http://www.afterdawn.com/software/cdr_software/cdr_tools/imgburn.cfm
Hi Shiner Shrink will autoburn w/ Nero 9as long as you have burning rom) so you could pick your drive under 'select backup target' when you use it again. Which version of Nero do you have like or You can use Nero express to burn the files - here's a guide for 6 but 7 is similar:
the nero stuff is what i was doing before and was getting the error about not being installed properlly, but i just tried using one of the guides using dvd decrypter and folder2Iso programs and it will only play on the computer and not in my home dvd player
You can only use Imgburn if you selected your output as an ISO image. Here is the official home page of Imgburn http://www.imgburn.com/
@Shiner Well you may have 2 different issues going on. Let's check the Nero 1st. Which version are you using? Also what media are you using? Burn speed?