First thread, so bare with me please. I've got an Emachines T3265 (about 6 months old). It's got a 3.2 Athlon, 160 GB HD, 512 Mram, and (most importantly for this discussion) a 4x max DVD+/-RW drive. I'm running Win XP. That said, I'm trying to burn copies of my purchased DVD movies. 1)I tried to burn a copy of (multiple episode) Thomas the tank movies for my sons...I get the "Burn Successful" window. However, when I put it in my samsung dvd player (and in this computer), it plays to about the :34 second point and just stops. (I went through about 5 DVD-R's trying this) 2)I tried burning a copy of some of my purchased DVD's onto the DVD-R's I had left. My thinking was that maybe since the Thomas movies were more than one episode, the program saw the first chapter as the whole movie. Upon burning "Whole movie DVD's, I again get the "Burn Successful" blurb. Upon playing them, same result. O.K., I'll try DVD+R. Upon all normal indications, I play the movie in my computer and it goes to about the 10:30ish mark. Tremendous improvement, but still no whole movie (Chapter 5 to be specific). Before I go out and purchase DVD-RW discs and DVD+RW discs and try my hand at those (while my DVD+R's I just bought collect dust), can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong? What's the most puzzling to me is the fact that video obviously is being burnt to these discs-I can see it. Just why not the last hour plus?! Thank you.
I'm using the burner that came with the computer (it's Roxio Easy CD and DVD Creator 6). As far as my steps, I put the DVD into my "DVD+ReWritable" Drive (incidentally, it also has the "DVD" symbol on it and below it it says "R/RW" if that helps). I put the DVD in, the standard windows pop up (is the borrowed or rented), I click No, it then then says insert DVD, I do, I click Start, it shows me the status bar working, when it gets to the end it tells me to insert blank, I do, then I click Start, it runs for about 8 minutes, then kicks out the DVD with the window "Burn Successful". Since it's a ReWrittable Drive, should I have known from the get-go to use +RW's? Can I still use the +r's and -R's that I bought? Thanks for your help.
Before I answer, I need to know what model of burner you have? Right click "my computer" then preferences -> click the hardware tab then device manager -> click the + for dvd/cd-rom drives ... what does it say? Also the program you describe sounds like DVDXCopy. I don't know if it's a full or oem version. But you can try a newer version and see if it will install. What I would do is try DVD Shrink and DVD Decryter(both are free).
it is dvd x copy xpress. sorry i didn't mention that earlier (kinda important!) also, i checked my devices here's what i got: _NEC DVD_RW ND-1300A and OEM CD-ROM F564E. Also, I've got dial up. will i be able to download these other programs you suggest? do i need t? is dvdxcopy no good or what? thanks again.
I've never had problems with XCopy. If you still want to use it, and want to get it to work ... first try upgrading to a newer version(if it will let you). Try and download and install Xpress v3.2.1 OK ... You've got a dual format burner. You can burn + or - R's and + or - RW's. RW's as you know are re-writeable, and the +/-R's you can only use once Yes.
Hi kobeburn, If I'm not mistaken, Roxio was one of the programs that had conflicts with DVD X Copy software. Roxio also causes problems with other dvd burning software. You can download the trail version of Nero 6 Ultra which is the software most on here use. I would Un-install the Roxio software and try using X Copy again. Also use a RW dvd for the test runs on dvd burning until you get the bugs out of process. This will save wasting blank media if it doesn't work right. Good luck. Jerry
thanks flip...i'm in the process of downloading an updated version of xcopy now. i'll be sure to update this thread upon retest. thanks for that jerry. i've not heard anything bad about nero. if updating my xcopy doesn't work, i'll give nero a shot. thanks again guys.