i have a bios and dashboard to put on my xbox. what should i use to burn the files onto my dvd's.the files are bin and xbe file format.i have tried using nero and all it says is incorrect format.
We shouldn't talk about hacked bios here...but the clue is you need to put the .bin on a disk on it's own with a 500MB dummyfile..and the dashboard files on another disk...Nero isn't good at this..it's linked internally to a .bin file being loaded from a .cue file.. That's why the incorrect file format error.. It can be done but I'm not risking the consequences of telling how..I like AD pm if you must and I'll give you some links..
believe..just run it..get ready for a surprise...you have nero6?..should work with 7 as well, thats not a link it's an email addy..fire a mail called nero and I'll send the file straight to you... Too late..I have to go to work now...mail me and I'll send it when I get home....(yes I have to work the evening of a bank holiday when everyone else goes out for a good time)...