Hi guys. I have desided to softhod my xbox and having trouble doing it so maby some one can tell me what I need to know these are some of thing I did, got Action Replay which work good, got Mechassault, rent Splenter Cell, I follow azzidrail tutorial, loading the Mechassault I get unable to load Linux, the files discription Control: Normal Difficulty: Regula Current Level: Going Down Hard does not show up and on Splingter Cell the word Linux does not show up eather, how can I tell if I got the right game, because I got the feeling that I do, I download all the needed sofware this is what I download (SID.4.0.NKnave.Edition.Xbox-Hq) and acording to azsidrain this basicly all I needed to mod my Xbox. This is the dashboad version that I have. K.1.00.4034.01 D.1.00.5960.01 So is my dash board is the problem or do I have the wrong version of game to start with and if so tell me what to look for as far as the games go to make sure I have the right one. thank to all of you.
i would say you have the wrong splinter cell maybe! if you do a search, there is a good tut on this site somewhere for softmodding in ten minutes, its the one i used at first, its simple and easy to follow!
I follow azzidrail tutouial I think its simple enouph but I'll look around some more for softhoding and to see what I can find sesko.
I can't seem to find thereturns profile page, and an other thing, have a quite a few music store on my xbox hard drive because on an other sight they say I need to erase everything off my xbox hard drive and I also need to down grade my dash board from D.1.00.5960.01 to D.1.00.4920.01 my version is a V1.0 so in order to use the softhod method I need to down grade can any one tell me is this true. thank again.