I don't know if I am doing something wrong, but I went to encode a Wimdos media home movie to MPEG. Its 1:30min long and the program says its going to tak 7 HOURS to encode. Thats crazy What can I do about this. I want to start making DVD's of my home movies, but this will take forever. HELP!!!
Im sure the settings inside the encoder itself have to be altered? I know that when using Tmpg Enc Plus I have to set the Environmental settings to allow multithreaded encoded which uses more than one cpu.. it increases the speed by about 3 hrs, so a 1:30 movie would take like 2-2:30hrs.. View the site below for information http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/advanced_tmpgenc_guide_page_3.cfm Dan
Thanks for the reply. I have an AMD xp processor2800, I think. So what should my options be for this? MY HTPC is am AMD 64 processor. Should I try it on that?
No Multi-Threading on a Athlon XP or 64...Just MMX,SSE/SSE2 and 3DNow on AMD CPU"s.... If you set the "Motion Search Precition" to "Normal" it will speed up the encodeing and Make sure you are no useing "2Pass VBR" encodeing because this will Take Twice as Long..... Tmpgenc is Known for not being the fastest encoder But it is one of the Better ones...If you want a Faster encoder that will Produce Just as Good Quality then check out the "MainConcept Encoder v1.5" as it is 3 Times as Fast as Tmpgenc..... Cheers
Thanks for the reply. I looked but there is no way to turn off the 2-pass. The pull down only has 2pass listed. The program I have is the DVD easy pack. Maybe this is not an option to turn off. Thanks for the other suggestion, I will look into it, even though I just purchased this program.
Well if you are useing "Tmpgenc Pluss" or "Tmpgenc Express" or "Tmpgenc DVD Source Creator" then you Can select a Different Encodeing Mode.... But since I don"t know exactly what version you have I can"t tell you how to change the encodeing mode....
Minion, Is the Canopus Procoder a better encoder then TMPGEnc or Mainconcept? I mean in terms of quality, which one would produce better video quality? Both VCD and DVD quality.
Well Canopus Procoder is On Par with Tmpgenc and MainConcept and even Better on "Matering Quality" but it is also slower than Tmpgenc.... "Cinemacraft Encoder SP 2.70" is Probably the Best Quality Mpeg-2 encoder and also the Fastest but it is Difficult to use.... Cheers