Hi all i wonder if someone can help me here my daughter recently got a dsi for her birthday and it is 1.4v now i ordered a ttdsi chip for her and it does not work in it, now i read up about it and they say nintendo have blocked all piracy,does anyone no how if any way to get round this. thanks
there are dsi flash carts that work with 1.4 firmware http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=fl...s=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&client=firefox-a
My daughter has orignal nintendo ds with r4 card. Any new games wont play when i put the nds game onto to the ds. Do I need a new card etc.
what games you struggling on, mario and sonic needs to be patched,kingdom hearts 365 8 needs fimware update, bowsers story needs firmware update and patch