Here are some simple mods for you to do in dot halo! Hope these help! --------------------------------------------------------------------- GET THE DOT HALO PLUGINS BEFORE YOU DO ANY OF THESE AS MY TUTORIAL IS BASED ON THE PLUGIN VERSION --------------------------------------------------------------------- RUNNING FAST: go to tag [Matg] Global Globals\Globals go to tag editor and in here change the 4 walking speed ones to whatever you want mines 20 and thats fast enough! so you should have: Walking Speed fwd(Multiplayer) 20 Walking Speed rev(Multiplayer) 20 Walking Speed sdw(Multiplayer) 20 Walking Speed accel(Multiplayer) 20 Your Character should then run fast SAVE CHANGES! --------------------------------------------------------------------- JUMP HIGH: go to tag [Bipd] Biped choose elite or masterchief whichever one you want to jump higher then go to the tag editor again and go to jump height and change it to whatever you want mines 25 that makes him jump really high about 2 times higher than the relic building! SAVE CHANGES! --------------------------------------------------------------------- INVINCIBILITY: Go to tag [hlmt]Object Property and select either objects\characters\elite\elite_mp objects\characters\masterchief\masterchief_mp go to tag editor and at the bottom where it says invulnerable tick the yes box and then he will become invincible !!HINT!! If you are modding weapons to shoot characters don't choose the one you made invincible as you can't kill the clones causing the game to lag and also crash!!! SAVE CHANGES! --------------------------------------------------------------------- GUNS SHOOT DIFFERENT THINGS !!!WARNING WATCH WHAT YOU SHOOT AS THIS CAN CRASH GAMES!!! Go to tag [Weap] Weapon select the weapon you want to change then go to the DEPENDENCIES LONELID'S REFLEXIVES box on the right and select PROJ from the list at the bottom and then the dependencies lonelid's box select a different projectile if you want the gun to shoot different bullets for example a shotgun shooting sniper bullets you would select: objects\weapons\rifle\sniper_rifle\projectiles\sniper_bullet etc. to shoot things like map objects select the proj like before and go to the top drop down box (tag class and select bloc then go to the dropp down box below it and select whatever you want to shoot like a box or something to shoot vehicles go to the tag class box and select vehi then select your vehicle the same way to shoot elites or spartans select the tag class bipd and pick either elite_mp or masterchief_mp !!!WARNING IF YOU DO THIS IN XBOX LIVE THE ONLY THING OTHERS CAN SEE IS EITHER A PLASMA PISTOL OR A ROCKET LAUNCHERS BULLETS!!! SAVE CHANGES! --------------------------------------------------------------------- HIGH SPEED BULLETS (GOOD FUN) HAVE A ROCKET LAUNCHER HIT ITS TARGET BEFORE YOU LET GO OF THE TRIGGER!!!!! VERY VERY VERY FAST! Go to tag [Proj] and select the bullet you want to shoot fast for example the rocket launcher objects\weaponssupport_high\rocket_launcher\projectiles\rocket then go the tag editor and change the INITIAL PROJECTILE SPEED FINAL PROJECTILE SPEED to 1000000 SAVE CHANGES! --------------------------------------------------------------------- FLYING WARTHOG (FOR EVERYONE) go to tag [vehi] and select objects\vehicle\warthog\warthog then go to tag editor and make sure the following boxes are ticked FLYING WEIRD HOG\BANSHEE PHYSICS IS A VEHICLE then go to the bottom where it says seats (flags) not (seat type) then make sure seats 0 to 5 all have the bottom left box ticked (Driver seat) This can only be flown from the passenger seat for others!! SAVE CHANGES! --------------------------------------------------------------------- CHANGE WHAT VEHICLE SHOOTS DO THE SAME AS YOU DO WITH WEAPONS! --------------------------------------------------------------------- LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANT TO KNOW ANYMORE
How about a tutorial on making other vehicles fly? I can make them take off but they will just slowly drift forward. If you would, make it for both a ghost, and a warthog turret.
omg im tired of geting ignord were do you put the dang plugins in dot halo please come on please or send me the dot halo that the plugins are allready in
could u please post a link to get the new plugins and i cant download from so if u post dont post there please or u can send them to there probaly is a link i probaly didnt see it.
you open dothalos's .rar file you should see a thing thats says plugins choose halo or halo2 which ever the plug is for and drag and drop