I have a Satellite Dish and a decent video capture card. I am trying to rip some movies directly off tv and be able to convert them to SVCD (or DivX on occasion) I am using MSI VideoWave, and have tried WinProducer to do this. So far I have achieved either nominal quality with average file size, or perfect quality with obsurd file size...What is the best software, and/or method if I wanted to make an SVCD from an average 90 minute movie? Should I capture a 10 gig raw dv file, and encode it, a 5.5 gig raw MPEG-2 file and do something with that? Am I missing something here? The best I can think of is to capture a near raw avi, extract the audio from it, and re-encode it, but that seems way too clumsy. If there is a method, guide, or some software that might help me, please advise!
I installed ATI's All in Wonder 7500 video card. ATI has a SVCD encoding option (available for download on their web site). Using this option, I take movies directly from my satellite dish and the ATI card creates files in 800 MB increments that I burn directly to CD-R. Quality is excellent. I am running a 1.6 mHz Pentium 4 chip.