TV's that are a TRUE 1080p ?

Discussion in 'Televisions' started by xtremedjs, Jan 25, 2006.

  1. xtremedjs

    xtremedjs Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    From what I see, this is defiantly the best signaling out. I assume this standard won't get any higher than this for a long time since 720p is what most (if not all) HD CHANNELS GO UP TO.... So I am wanting to get a TV with this high up capibility. Not to sound stupid, but Is their stations out their that only signal in 1080i/p? Anyhow, from reading articles and manufacture websites, it seems they have upscaling going on... What does this mean? For instance, are they saying if you are receiving a broadcast signal of 720 it will go to 1080 automatically, etc...? (converting)

    Or upscales from 1080i to 1080p automatically?

    Also, what do I need to look for when purchasing a true 1080P TV? Thanks for explaining my questions.
  2. diabolos

    diabolos Guest

    Every fixed panel display tv has the ability to manipulate an incoming signal so that it will match its native resolution. 1080p sets are no different.

    Most broadcasters broadcast in 1080i during primetime. Most sports programs are shot using 720p.

    The main thing to look for is the ability to receive 1080p signals via HDMI. Most either don't receive 1080p signal or they only accept them via Firewire connections (or other PC inputs).

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2006
  3. runlikeg

    runlikeg Guest

    I am no authority, but from what I read a new batch of 2006 models are set to be released in the 2nd quarter of 2006 that will fully resolve 1080p. Syntax is coming out with a nice 32 and 37 inch LCD with dual HDMI for under $4000.

    It is extremely frustrating that the current crop of sets don't accept 1080p through the HDMI connection.

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