OK So I have an old monitor sitting around that I would like to put to use... This is my mb: BIOSTAR TForce TF7150U-M7 LGA 775 NVIDIA GeForce 7150 HDMI Micro ATX Intel Motherboard I'm looking to have a dual-monitor setup which I know requires another card. I was wondering if there are any TV tuner cards that would function as the vid card for my other monitor and allow me to have an internet browser on each screen while I wasn't watching TV.... Or if I were to buy a TV tuner card... would my other monitor strictly be for TV? Thanks
TV Tuner cards are usually for Video in, i.e. giving the PC a video signal, not sending one out. Your best bet is to buy a cheap HD video card like a Radeon HD4550, that way you have proper video playback support, and can use two monitors at once without issue: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121281