How does the professional industry put out super high quality DVD movies where the video file is only 4 gigs? How can I make a good quality dvd with menu's and everything and keep it under 4.7 gigs? I tried playing around with DVD Architect at a friends home, and the lowest we could get a home video he had ripped (about 1500 mb) with a menu was about 6.7 gigs...
how come when you reduce quality with DVD Shrink it makes the end of the DVD skip and pause and do all sorts of crazy stuff, and not just reduce it to VCD quality?
Sounds like you're using poor quality media -- doesn't have anything to do with Shrink. What kind of discs are you burning?
Karen is right. Not all media is equal in quality. And your stand alone DVD player may work better with another brand media. The amount of compression can also cause the skip, pause, stop, pixelation, etc. This is something you need to play with yourself - what brand / type (- or +) blank works best and how much compression is too much. Invest in some RW discs so you can find out what works and erase what doesn't work. Using Shrink or CloneDVD2 I usually only copy the main movie, Engish soundtrack(s) and Englis subtitles. luck-