Could someone direct me to two different guides. 1) A guide to burn .AVI files so you can play them on a DVD player on a DVD R 2) I downloaded a PS2 game off of BitComet, how do I burn that to play with my modded PS2?
For your first question there is a guide listed in the 'guides' section of this website. You could also just do a search for it, or go to the .avi section of the forums. The second question will probably be answered in the PS2 section of the forums.
Ok your AVI guide is here: PS2 all i know is that u have to use Swap magic also u can use DVD Decrypter to burn the image file to disc...
Here is a guide for VSOConvertXtoDVD, a program hat will take you from downloaded file to burned DVD: I have used a previous version in the past and was impressed by its quality and speed. Also, a guide for Nero by alkohol: Can't help with the game, know nothing about them.