I need to be able to hookup my computer and hdtv(with consoles in tow) to each of these, which both seem like they're able to do. Sony HTIB: http://www.amazon.com/Sony-HT-SS230...2?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1239436183&sr=8-2 Logitech 5.1 speaker set: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16836121120 My gut is telling me the sony setup has way more connections for more devices as well as hdmi ports for future proofing(my 360 doesn't have hdmi, no blu-ray/ps3 as of yet) and probably better sound output as well? They're both around the same price, though the logitech set CAN be found for 20-50% off that pricewith tons of deals/coupons around, just nothing I could find going on this very moment.
to me thats an easy decision. i know that the sony system is a little more, but WELL worth it. logitech makes decent computer audio components, thats about it. sony on the other hand has excellent audio components. from the quality of the speakers, to the logic chips and audio amplifiers, not to mention the range of inputs you have. the sony system is an actual receiver/amplifier. the logitech on is just a set of speakers. i see that the logitech one has good reviews. and for a computer system, it probably is pretty good. but computer systems just don't compare to home theatre systems like the sony.