Hello, I am new to Linux and i decided to install Ubuntu. I like it a lot but i cant play my MP3's its driving me nuts. It came with Amarok, Rhythmbox and Dvd player but neither will play Mp3's it says it needs decoders. Ive tried installing other programs like xmms among others but it seems like you have to compile them or "make" them to get them to work and I am not good with the linux terminal window. So if anyone can help or point me towards a package or help me install something to get it to work I would appreciate it. Thank You
Hello again, if anyone else is having trouble with this, read this : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats#oneline This is what i used to get my MP3's to play:At the terminal box I think its on the menu at the top pick application>accesories>terminal then type this:Or copy and paste. sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-pitfdll gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse gxine libxine-main1 libxine-extracodecs
welcome to Linux, it usually needs a bit more work over what would be needed in say, Windows, but that's part of the 'fun' with Linux also
U should try AUTOMATIX http://www.getautomatix.com There's easy intallation guide, and this software installs and configures software to your computer. U can get those mp3s working and also video. Also there's many other software to be installed via automatix.