Un-burnable wav-files

Discussion in 'Audio' started by Stocktown, Aug 30, 2005.

  1. Stocktown

    Stocktown Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    I am trying to burn a bunch of audio cds. However some
    of the wav-files seem to be impossible to burn without
    getting slight errors.

    I have ruled out media quality, burner quality and burn
    speed by testing. Certain specific wav-files always get
    errors while the rest of the files burn ok.

    The error-prone files in themselves sound quite ok, but
    there is obviously something that makes them hard to burn.

    I check the burn quality by reading the files from the
    CD with EAC. I burn with Nero.

    Anyone have any ideas or suggestions?
  2. DogBomb

    DogBomb Regular member

    Jun 18, 2003
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    Is it a problem with readability? I hope you aren't burning on-the-fly from CD to CD. You should copy to your hard drive first and then burn - that way, you know the files are perfectly readable. I heard that some copy protections purposely put flawed files on audio CDs that would not be picked up by an audio player but would keep someone from ripping them.

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