Hi guys, im a long time lurker first time poster, having huge trouble getting my dbox back up and running after the V***** M**** changes. I am trying to follow the 10 step guide to eit the keylist.txt file manualy and disable auto updating but its just not working. I can get into tuxbox and edit the file as in the instructions but it wont save my changes. I can go through the menu, tell it to save, it looks like it works but in fact it does nothing. I have aso tried FTP'ing into the box using root/dbox and that gives me exactly the same issue. Its like I dont have write access to the file/disk/directory. But I dont see how thats possible when logged on as root in FTP and (im assuming) under root in tux box? I have checked the permissions settings on the tuxbox menu and it says I have write access so im a bit stummped. Has anyone had this issue, and please can someone help! Thanks in advance
hi im sorry i cant help but im having the same problems as you. can u tell me how to check if my permissions aloow me to write access or not cheers in advance
Did you find a fix for this? Im also experiencing the same problem, looks like the box is locked down as you can ftp with no root password