I was trying to Burn a DVD using Decrypter but this message popped up while it was scanning my DVD-R: Device Not Ready (Unable to Reover TOC) Help!
You DVDDecrypter log file. It should be displayed in a log window in Decrpyter. If you don't see it you can go to View --> Log to display the window. Then you can cut and paste or save it out or whatever.
I 22:03:08 DVD Decrypter Version started! I 22:03:08 Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 2) W 22:03:08 Drive E:\ (FAT32) does not support single files > 4 GB I 22:03:08 Initialising SPTI... I 22:03:08 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 22:03:09 Found 1 DVD-ROM/CD-RW!
I didn't realize you had already closed DVD Dec. Try burning your DVD again and if it you get that same error post that log from that session.
have you retried and saved your log file? if so, please post it...thanks also you went into mode and used the read setting to rip the movie to your computer and then changed the mode to write, right? or are you trying to write from a file that is already on your computer?
I 23:20:06 DVD Decrypter Version started! I 23:20:06 Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 2) W 23:20:06 Drive E:\ (FAT32) does not support single files > 4 GB I 23:20:06 Initialising SPTI... I 23:20:06 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices... I 23:20:07 Found 1 DVD-ROM/CD-RW! I'm trying to write the file that's saved on my external Drive. Could this be causing a problem since I didn't save the file on my hard drive? Thanks!
if the file is over 4gb it would be...but seeing how it's on the drive already it must be below 4gb...what's the size of the file? it wouldn't hurt to try to transfer the file onto your actual comp hard drive and burn it that way...or you could try a few other programs to burn it...but i don't see why dvd decrypter shouldn't work.. wait a min...do you have a dvd-rw(burner) or just a cd-rw(burner)? what i mean is have you burned dvds before with this burner?
I have a TSS Tcorp CD-R/W driver. I was copying a DVD and everytime I inserted a blank DVD-R it ejected the disc and ask for a blank or rewritable DVD. Now I'm lost!
ahhh...sorry man you don't have a dvd burner..you can only write on cds, not dvds...the reason it is asking you for a dvd is because, the file is too big for the cd...i would suggest using dvdshrink or nero recode to redo\edit the movie(i.e. take out the menus, extras and everything except for the main movie)..it might be able to fit onto a dvd at that point...if you want to start burning to dvds you're going to need a DVD-RW drive\burner... is the file you trying to write a movie, t.v. series, or game?
Aw that blows! Well I least I know what the problem is. Yeah, I was trying to burn a Movie. Thanks for the Help!!!
no prob...but you could try using dvdshrink, clonedvd, or nero recode(you can take some features out of movie with this programs, hence make it smaller, and afterdawn has all of those for trial use...except dvdshrink, it's free), but you'll need to get the movie down to 600mb or smaller for it to burn onto a cd...