Hi I am new to these forums but I really like them a lot already. Google led me hear for some advice on reformatting an xbox hd and I decided to browse the site a little and then after I saw how sweet it was I was all like w0h im registering! anyways... So recently I purchased a brand new copy of tiger osx... YAY! I figured that while I was upgrading operating systems it would be a good chance to wipe the drives of my laptop re-partition clean it up and start from scratch... so0o0o0oooo I backed up all my work data into 5 folders and then zipped them shut and put them on my external hard drive. After cleaning the drives on my laptop and installing the osx I then tried to unzip all my data. Big problem. The files wont extract. It comes back with some kind of structure error everytime. I think it may be due to some corrupted files which I downloaded with bittorrent within the zips. I have tried many ways of unzipping these files and nothing seems to work. Does anyone know of a way in which I could acces the data within a zip file and possibly remove some? Any help is much appretiated! Carlo
Let me get this right...you have 5 2 GIG zip files??? I think that may be beyond what the zip format can handle. You may want to do some research on the zip format. The most that I have ever zipped is about 500meg. And unzipping it brought my machine to its knees.
2.76 1.05 3.35 2.93 Boosley:~ giancarlo$ zip /Volumes/CRAFT\ HD/Other\ Things/Crunk\ HD/Pictures.zip zip warning: missing end signature--probably not a zip file (did you zip warning: remember to use binary mode when you transferred it?) zip error: Zip file structure invalid (/Volumes/CRAFT HD/Other Things/Crunk HD/Pictures.zip) my external hard drive isnt formatted for mac osx journaled you think that would corrupt it somehow? i think it may have to do with the string lengths that are allowed on each different formatt. Does anyone have a solution?
This is the error that pops up when I try to unzip it with tigers built in utility http://www.leavesontrees.com/Picture 1.png Does it look like it is because the files are to large?
Wow no one has any information on zip files or had any simular trouble with unzipping? meh I am just bitching cus it was like all my stuff... o well I seriously need to get over it because I dont really think it is coming back... ehehe bummer w00t