i was trying to make me a backup copy using dvd decrypter and it sayed sumthing about css encryption sorry im new here???
DVD Decrypter cannot handle the newer protected movies. Download DVDFab Decrypter which is free and rip to your HDD, then run the file through VobBlanker to clean it and process with DVD Shrink and burn. DVDFab http://www.dvdidle.com/free.htm VobBlanker http://www.jsoto.posunplugged.com/vobblanker.htm Guide http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/334154
DVDD has not and never will be updated again so here is a small list of what you can do. As you like DVDD look down the list and check out Ripit4me. This is what to do if you are having trouble backing up your movies: Here is the free way of making perfect backups: 1) DVDFab Decrypter - this wil break the movies encryption while ripping the movie to your HDD http://www.dvdidle.com/free.htm 2) VobBlanker - Not always needed, but it will get rid of any protection that DVDFD left behind. VobBlanker also allows you to blank,replace,cut and strip titles. http://www.jsoto.posunplugged.com/vobblanker.htm 3) DVDShrink - this will allow you to compress the movie to fit onto a blank DVD-5 disc. Select your output as an ISO image http://filehippo.com/download_dvdshrink/ 4) Imgburn - the best free burner around http://www.imgburn.com/ Here are some guides: http://forum.digital-digest.com/showthread.php?t=51904 DVDFab Decrypter guide http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/334154 DVDFab Decrypter and VobBlanker guide by Alkohol http://www.dvdr-digest.com/articles/article_vobblanker_page1.html VobBlanker guide http://www.mrbass.org/dvdshrink/ Shrink guide The other free option: Use RipIt4Me. I do not know anything about ripit4me so I will leave you with the excellent guide by arniebear. You can also download it from the same link http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/360110 The other way $$$$$ Anydvd works in the background to automatically remove the copy protection of a DVD movie. All you have to do is start up anydvd and continue using your normal compression engine, whether it's shrink, recode or clonedvd, It's that easy. Before you pay for this excellent program you have a 21 day trial http://www.slysoft.com/en/download.html What else to do if the above does not work: 1) Update your dvdwriters firmware 2) Invest in good quality media Taiyo Yuden and Verbatims are best 3) Burn @4x 4) Check your dvd's for dirt, scratches 5) clean your dvd If your dvd still does not back up, you most properbly have a badly authord dvd, so your only option is to exchange it. EDIT: Welcome to AD
thx so much for all the advise and sorry mod for not placing it in the correct forum ill look closley before i do that again thx so much for the advise ill check that out right now
rbrock, Pazzini didn't need backup so do that again & you'll get a temp ban or permanent. your choice!!