Unexpected File Format when using NERO

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by JMD76, Jul 22, 2007.

  1. JMD76

    JMD76 Member

    Jul 22, 2007
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    Im not smart at this kind of stuff, im pretty new at it so i apologize if this is elementary. I did a search on this but still couldnt figure it out.

    When i try to bring a video clip up through Nero it will say "Unexpected File Format". About a year ago, i was using a trial version of Nero that worked perfectly. I could bring all my videos up fine with no problems, then when my trial ran out i bought this newest version and it wont let me burn anything. As a matter of fact i cant do anything with it, i havent been able to use it once since i bought it two months ago. I tried to bring up some old clips that worked fine on the trial version and it wont even work with those. Can someone tell me an easy to understand terms what to do to fix this problem? Thanks in advance.
  2. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Hi JMD76

    Try doing a clean install of Nero. Uninstall Nero (write down your serial # 1st if you don't have it handy) - run the clean tool.
    Reboot. Run a registry cleaner like the free ccleaner. Use the issues and cleaner options.
    Install Nero - try the latest version -

    Still having problems then post back what file formats you are trying like avi, wmv etc and what app in Nero you are using (I'm guessing Vision ?)

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