To uninstall the Rockbox bootloader, you can type the following command to restore your iPod to its original state: ipodpatcher -w N bootpartition.bin where "N" is the disk number of your iPod (found using the instructions in Step 1b below) and "bootpartition.bin" is a file containing the original contents of your iPod's firmware/boot partition. This file is created in Step 1c below. I haven't done this before, just for reference. More:
You dont have to completly restore your iPod. All you have to do is this: plug iPod into computer>open up "my computer"> you should see your iPod in it so doulbe click onit>then you can just click and drag your rockbox files into the trash, butbe careful, only the rockbox files, NOTHING ELSE!!!!! Hope this helps, if anything goes wrong, write back and ill try to help