Hi, I need help backing up United 93. Which program would you perfer and would be most helpful.. I have tried Dvd Shrink 3.2 & DVD-Decrypter,have a nice day. *Matt
I use both with Anydvd in the background to remove the blocks you know you just stick a disc in and burn it
I had the same problem. I first used DVD X Copy Platinum, no luck. I then used DVD Decrypter, no luck. I then went online and got RipIt4Me with FixVTS. I then burned with Decrypter. I never used these programs. I found them very easy to use, with luck I was able to back up United 93. jacnyr
I used the latest version of anydvd ,dvdfabdecrypter to rip and 1click dvd copy to burn... no problems, perfect backup.
you'll find out that the combo of AnyDVd + CloneDVD2 will do all the DVDs that are out there, but the free stuff just got better! RipIt4Me will do all the DVDs too and it's kept up-to-date!~ Just download the programs and follow the easy to use guide, by Arniebear: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/360110, can't go wrong with that! When you want the best quality you can get then get DVDRebuilder Pro with CCE...... great encoder and you can't notice any quality loss at all! I use this combo when AnyDVD and CloneDVD2 has less than 80% quality compression! I also do all the espisode DVDs that way too! burn on!!!!