Unknown British Video Games TV Show 90s…

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by retroborg, May 25, 2014.

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  1. retroborg

    retroborg Regular member

    Jan 3, 2006
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    Good day!
    Back in 1995-1997 (I think), I used to watch an English Video Games TV show that would last around 30mins (Or less) and it was voiced by an English girl with a beautiful voice and nice humor.
    It was not Gamesmaster, as it was not presented by any people live on camera, only voiced as she presented the games and consoles, accompanied with nice background music. I mainly remember reviews of the SEGA Saturn, PSX, Panasonic 3DO, SNES & Mega Drive and their games.
    At the end of one episode, I remember her saying… “Well this is a girl that’s done her job for today, see you next time”

    If anyone could name the show and point me to some links on Youtube preferably, I would highly appreciate it!

    Thanks in advance
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