hey yAll. i used this forum before.. got 2 wrong codes.. so i only hAve one more go.. here's the imei: 354526010619712 cheers in AdvAnce*
Did you try what i wrote in the link below If that dont work then have a look at the first 2 links in there aswell Also make sure your fone or the fone in the picture is not a 1600 classic otherwise no point in even trying so ill leave it up to you, but reply back and lets know what provider says or if you tried the code and it worked or not LINK
didnt understand.. sorry. checked the links, no go. model 1600 type RH-64 country: Portugal network TMN to Optimus imei: 354526010619712 how do i know if its a classic? cheers, mate*
to be honest i dont know if it/there is a classic its just i got caught out on the 2600 when it was a 2600 clasic is that your fone
here is the code i got from both links #pw+220315745740301+1# and here is the links with your fone details & how to unlock >>>>>LINK 1<<<<< >>>>>LINK 2<<<<< but i wouuld remind you this code is not 100% you would be best asking the provider for the unlock code first cos you will not have anymore chances after this lets know how it goes with provider or code EDIT(ps:would you like ice cream with all that aswell lol)EDIT was going between 3 posts that ice cream was for some1 else post ha ha lol