can anyone help me to unlock the security code for a nokia6230i?Please i need help from you!thank you..
Please post information in this format: Make and Model# of phone : IMEI( no slashes please) : Country the phone was purchased in : Provider the phone is locked to( not what the current sim is) : If any of the above information is assumed and a code is presented, the likelyhood of your phone being locked is greater. So help me help you.
Hi, i have just got a nokia 6230i from ebay, and it just needs the security code unlocking. I have tried putting in the unlock code #pw+# number but nothing happens. Can you help? Nokia 6230i, bought in the UK, locked to Orange and imei is 356644008931441 Thanks
Hi, I have the same problem...My 6230 does not unlock using #pw+709640527736267+1#.....and with an IMEI should do apparently...HELP SOMEBODY ! !