I have stupidly bought this phone on ebay but, living in the Channel Islands, where there is no Tesco, I need to unlock it. Can anybody help me? Jenny
We can't do the new 2760s Please supply ALL this information in this format: Type in these numbers or look under the battery to get the information. IMEI:Type (dial) *#06# , Firmware Version:Type (dial) *#0000# . Nokia: (Model) IMEI:############### (No spaces, no slashes) Network: (The Network the phone is locked to) Country: (The Country the above Network is in) Also any codes tried AND how many tries you have made. Without this, we can do nothing. JG
Hi JG, I am a technophobe so please be patient with me but if you can't do the new 2760s, why do you need the IMEI etc. ?
Hi JG, my phone is a Nokia 2760 The IMEI number is 359818011886191 Locked to Tesco Mobile Britain It is second hand from ebay. I have not tried any codes but not sure if previous owner has. I will really really appreciate it if you can help me. Jenny
OK Now that I have seen the IMEI I can confirm that we can't do these by this method. The original Network can give a code That would need the original owner to be involved. You must take or send it to a professional. Sorry. J
Dear JG, Can I ask for your help just one more time? the website Phone Goods asks for £12.50 and for you to post your phone and IMEI to them to unlock it for you. Do you know if they are a scam or do they clone or are they reliable or not? Jenny