Oh dear I have entered a number hash pw+3967557132+1 hash twice and it states code error. My imei number is 359774001659173 and it is on Vodaphone. I am aware that if I do this too many times I will lock it. Can anyone please help me.
hello sam just put your number in my calculater & it comes up with #pw+156504771477011+# now I don't really know if this is any good but I just opened my mates with 1 go so if you want to try it it is at your own risk cheers,nobbzee
Thank you, I will give it a go (when I find instructions how to do it again, must be of the forgetfull age!!!) and let you know how I get on.
hi use the star key to get pw+ then enter code then hopefully it will say restictions removed then put another sim card in that is active then should work ,nobbzee
That's really strange. The code worked and I can now put my Virgin sim card in. The wierd thing is it is showing T-Mobile on the screen. Is this normal?
sam try this code it mybe better then the last one i gave you newer genarater #pw+818131233603540+7# ,nobbzee
Do I need to put another code in if it is working. Is it a problem if it is showing another network. They cant charge me can they? What happens if I put that code in and it's not right, will I bugger it up all together?
you have 5 goes at putting a code in if u on pay as you go it has to be the company who's sim you r usig
Do you mean I get 5 more goes or is this including the 2 incorrect ones and the correct one you gave me? I am not on PAYG and it seems to be working ok so is it best to leave alone?