unsupported format and burning error

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by chrisbra, Feb 23, 2008.

  1. chrisbra

    chrisbra Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    I don't know where to start. This is my first post and I have been reading the forums for awhile, attempting to try the different advice recommended. I must admit I'm not all that savvy with the entire computer lingo.

    I have downloaded .avi successfully before and then I was able to burn a DVD but all of a sudden I am struggling. I convert the downloaded torrent with Avi2dvd then use DVD decrypter. Sometimes it burns all the way through and sometimes it doesn’t. When it does burn completely I put it in the same dvd player I previously watch personal burned movies but it says it is unsupported format. I can watch the movie on my computer fine. When the file format is unsupported, if I try to erase the dvd, it locks up my computer. This has happened at least 10 times to me with different movie titles. Needless to say I’m frustrated. Does anyone have advice for me?
  2. ZoSoIV

    ZoSoIV Active member

    Oct 24, 2007
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    try using better blank media like Taiyo Yuden or Verbatim burning at 8x max. use the DVD-R or DVD+R format instead of using DVD-RW and see if you have the same problem.

    the files your downloading may not be supported by your dvd player,check the dvd players specs.

    dvd flick is a good program for what your doing to, check it out

  3. chrisbra

    chrisbra Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    I will try your suggestions, thank you so much. Just to let you know, I've called the manufacture of the dvd player and they told me to use DVD-RW.

    I'll give it a shot, Thanks for the help.
  4. Rotary

    Rotary Senior member

    Apr 10, 2003
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    says it is unsupported format

    check settings to make sure its outputting as either ntsc or pal which ever is your region format and not the wrong one...

    also could be dvd-rw worn out
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2008
  5. chrisbra

    chrisbra Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    I went to DVD flick and downloaded attempted to burn the DVD. Still unsupported after I made all the settings. One thing I should mention though is my process. I download the torrent, then convert it with AVI2DVD. The output, movie name.avi, from this effort is what I used with DVD Flick. Should I skip the AVI2DVD or do I still go through this process and attempt to burn the DVD_image.iso?

    Thank you for your patience.
  6. ZoSoIV

    ZoSoIV Active member

    Oct 24, 2007
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    Yes try that hopefully it will work
  7. Rotary

    Rotary Senior member

    Apr 10, 2003
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    dont forget to set ntsc or pal in project options!
  8. chrisbra

    chrisbra Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    Well, I followed the recommendations, downloaded the latest version of DVD Flick started to burn the DVD and now I am locked out because the access was denied. Guess I’ll start reading up on this one too. Thank you everybody for your valued advice.

  9. Rotary

    Rotary Senior member

    Apr 10, 2003
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    uh? access denied for what? got more info?

    also, do you have any codec packs loaded?


    you say you have burnt a dvd succesfully before ok, did you buy different dvdrs, from when it did work ok?

    also, got any error logs you can paste here to read?
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2008
  10. chrisbra

    chrisbra Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    Here is what I have at the moment. I read to shutdown all IE browser windows and try it again. I went DVD Flick and the program hung up after the “erasing disk” process and I didn’t touch anything. Came back in the morning to this error message.

    I/O Error!

    Device: [0:0:0] HL-DT-ST DVD+-RW GSA-H2INA105 (E:) (ATA)
    ScisStatus: 0x02
    Interpretation: Check Condition
    CDB: 2A 00 00 1F 40 00 00 20 00
    Interpretation: Write (10) - Sectors 2048032 – 2048063
    Sense Area: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0E 00 00 00 00 00 21 02 00 00 00 00
    Interpretation: Invalid Address for Write

    Here is the ImgBurn Log

    I 23:01:53 ImgBurn Version started!
    I 23:01:53 Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition (5.1, Build 2600 : Service Pack 2)
    I 23:01:53 Total Physical Memory: 1,038,412 KB - Available: 468,000 KB
    I 23:01:53 Initialising SPTI...
    I 23:01:54 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
    I 23:01:54 Found 1 DVD±RW!
    I 23:09:27 Operation Started!
    I 23:09:27 Device: [0:0:0] HL-DT-ST DVD+-RW GSA-H21N A105 (E:) (ATA)
    I 23:09:27 Media Type: DVD-RW (Disc ID: MBI01RWG 20) (Speeds: 4x)
    I 23:09:27 Quick Erase: Yes
    I 23:09:27 Erasing Disc...
    I 23:47:13 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:37:46
    I 00:06:35 Operation Started!
    I 00:06:35 Source File: C:\Documents and Settings\Chris Brauner\My Documents\DVD\dvd\dvd.iso
    I 00:06:35 Source File Sectors: 2,153,792 (MODE1/2048)
    I 00:06:35 Source File Size: 4,410,966,016 bytes
    I 00:06:35 Source File Volume Identifier: DVD
    I 00:06:35 Source File Application Identifier: IMGBURN V2.3.2.0 - THE ULTIMATE IMAGE BURNER!
    I 00:06:35 Source File Implementation Identifier: ImgBurn
    I 00:06:35 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
    I 00:06:35 Destination Device: [0:0:0] HL-DT-ST DVD+-RW GSA-H21N A105 (E:) (ATA)
    I 00:06:35 Destination Media Type: DVD-RW (Disc ID: MBI01RWG 20) (Speeds: 4x)
    I 00:06:35 Destination Media Sectors: 2,297,888
    I 00:06:35 Write Mode: DVD
    I 00:06:35 Write Type: DAO
    I 00:06:35 Write Speed: MAX
    I 00:06:35 Link Size: Auto
    I 00:06:35 Test Mode: No
    I 00:06:35 BURN-Proof: Enabled
    I 00:06:37 Filling Buffer... (40 MB)
    I 00:06:39 Writing LeadIn...
    I 00:06:52 Writing Image... (LBA: 0 - 2153791)
    W 01:14:56 Failed to Write Sectors 2048032 - 2048063 - No Seek Complete
    W 01:14:56 Retrying (1 of 20)...
    W 01:14:56 Retry Failed - Invalid Address For Write
    W 01:14:56 Retrying (2 of 20)...
    W 01:14:56 Retry Failed - Invalid Address For Write
    W 01:14:56 Retrying (3 of 20)...
    W 01:14:56 Retry Failed - Invalid Address For Write
    W 01:14:56 Retrying (4 of 20)...
    W 01:14:56 Retry Failed - Invalid Address For Write
    W 01:14:56 Retrying (5 of 20)...
    W 01:14:56 Retry Failed - Invalid Address For Write
    W 01:14:56 Retrying (6 of 20)...
    W 01:14:56 Retry Failed - Invalid Address For Write
    W 01:14:56 Retrying (7 of 20)...
    W 01:14:56 Retry Failed - Invalid Address For Write
    W 01:14:56 Retrying (8 of 20)...
    W 01:14:56 Retry Failed - Invalid Address For Write
    W 01:14:56 Retrying (9 of 20)...
    W 01:14:56 Retry Failed - Invalid Address For Write
    W 01:14:56 Retrying (10 of 20)...
    W 01:14:56 Retry Failed - Invalid Address For Write
    W 01:14:56 Retrying (11 of 20)...
    W 01:14:56 Retry Failed - Invalid Address For Write
    W 01:14:56 Retrying (12 of 20)...
    W 01:14:56 Retry Failed - Invalid Address For Write
    W 01:14:56 Retrying (13 of 20)...
    W 01:14:56 Retry Failed - Invalid Address For Write
    W 01:14:56 Retrying (14 of 20)...
    W 01:14:56 Retry Failed - Invalid Address For Write
    W 01:14:56 Retrying (15 of 20)...
    W 01:14:56 Retry Failed - Invalid Address For Write
    W 01:14:56 Retrying (16 of 20)...
    W 01:14:56 Retry Failed - Invalid Address For Write
    W 01:14:56 Retrying (17 of 20)...
    W 01:14:56 Retry Failed - Invalid Address For Write
    W 01:14:56 Retrying (18 of 20)...
    W 01:14:56 Retry Failed - Invalid Address For Write
    W 01:14:56 Retrying (19 of 20)...
    W 01:14:56 Retry Failed - Invalid Address For Write
    W 01:14:56 Retrying (20 of 20)...
    W 01:14:56 Retry Failed - Invalid Address For Write
    W 06:55:45 Retrying (21)...
    W 06:55:45 Retry Failed - Invalid Address For Write
    W 06:55:46 Retrying (22)...
    W 06:55:46 Retry Failed - Invalid Address For Write
    E 06:59:32 Failed to Write Sectors 2048032 - 2048063 - No Seek Complete
    I 06:59:32 Synchronising Cache...
    E 06:59:33 Failed to Write Image!
    E 06:59:33 Operation Failed! - Duration: 06:52:57
    I 06:59:33 Average Write Rate: 165 KB/s (0.1x) - Maximum Write Rate: 1,986 KB/s (1.4x)
    I 06:59:33 Close Request Acknowledged
    I 06:59:33 Closing Down...

    Any Recommendations?
  11. Rotary

    Rotary Senior member

    Apr 10, 2003
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    hmm, i would try a NON rewrite dvdr

    all looked good till the actual write process


    at a guess the dvdRW has gone pass its sell by date (worn out)
  12. chrisbra

    chrisbra Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    I'll try anything but the thing to remember is that I was actually using the same disc I have today. I must have multiple problems here. Can you think of a log I can run then post for you to look at?

    Once again, thanks for taking the time to help us newbies.
  13. Rotary

    Rotary Senior member

    Apr 10, 2003
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    avi2dvd is one prob its 50/50

    go with dvd flick for now.

    i have literally re-read all this thread and all pionts to dvdRW
    I 23:09:27 Media Type: DVD-RW (Disc ID: MBI01RWG 20) not heard of these before?

    also you are doing a quick erase, which doesnt get rid of old files there still underneath but not seen, do a full erase, even try erasing twice first on full erase, but i still say get dvdR from TY or verbatim brands

    also update your firmware to the drive!

    Last edited: Feb 25, 2008
  14. chrisbra

    chrisbra Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    okay, I have my new Verbatim disc. I think I updated my firmware. I have a brand new utorrent. I wanted to start everything fresh. I open DVD flick, search for the new torrent. Do I have to convert it to an .avi before I can load it in DVD flick?
  15. Rotary

    Rotary Senior member

    Apr 10, 2003
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    what file type did you download, was it an avi? need to read before clicking download what you are actually downloading to know what file type should be in the torrent/winrar file

    torrents usually yield a winrar file and inside is the video file, extract file out winrar then load that file into dvd flick, (dont forget pal or ntsc)
  16. chrisbra

    chrisbra Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    That is a good thing for me to look at prior to the download. Some say .avi others don't like this one; Spiderman 3 [DVD-R] [Multi][www.topetorrent.com].iso. The Iso image is already on the hard drive but I think it won't load because DVD flick, which I really like, doesn't support.iso programs, so I must convert to a .avi, correct?

    Thanks again for your help.
  17. Rotary

    Rotary Senior member

    Apr 10, 2003
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    iso is a wrapper like winrar

    infact winrar can open an iso to get files out! but!!!

    iso can be burned straight off! load into imgburn and click go.
  18. chrisbra

    chrisbra Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    sorry, I've been on a business trip and was unable to access this website. I just wanted to take a momoent to thank you for your help. I appreciate it.

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