Hope I'm in correct forum. Using NeroStart Smart,, IN-CD to format disc. Selecting "DVD,Data, Make Data Disc." The burn is successful. But, Write Process is always grayed out at "Disk-At-Once" Is this the reason I always get the following message when attempting to copy/paste new data to the disc later: "The disc in the drive is not a writable CD or is full" Copy/Paste puts a shortcut of the file at the top of the DVD/RW that has been burned. The message appears via a "CD Writing Wizard" after I select "Write these files to CD" which always prompts for a CD name even though I have already named the disk in the NERO burn process. I get the same results using IN-CD to format and formating via the NERO burn process (at least I think I noticed a formating routine when burning a non-formated disc). Any assistance is much appreciated. I very much need to write/rewrite data via DVD.
first i will say that nero InCD is not exactly the best program for this or any program that does this (packet writing i think its called) the best method is to use Nero Express or Buring ROM with a multisession disc, and refresh the cd whenever you want to add or replace data... also [bold]disc-at-once[/bold] closes the disc if you want to add/replace files later you need to use [bold]track-at-once[/bold] there is a huge difference, any way if you select multisession in Nero Express all the options will aoutomaticly be set whereas in Burning ROM you have to alter aspects... hope this helps...
Thank you very much for the rapid response. I plead your patience. 1-After selecting "Make Data Disc" adding the files and going to the burn window, I always select "Allow files to be added later" and "Verfy Data". Is this the multi-session option you recommend? If not, where do I find the Multi-session option in Nero Express? Will Multi-session format the disc as required? 2- When I'm ready to Burn the Write Option box is always grayed out with Disc-At-Once in the window. How do I get it to light up so I can select Track-At-Once? I have a feeling this is the root of the problem. 3- I am not sure what Burning ROM means. 4- Is it possible that the "CD Writing Wizard" I speak of, is not a NERO function, but rather a Windows thing that may be causing the problem?
Last questions to you re this thread. I appreciate the education. Quote:After selecting "Make Data Disc" adding the files and going to the burn window, I always select "Allow files to be added later" and "Verfy Data". Is this the multi-session option you recommend? Quote:Yes. Any idea then why the disc is unwritable and how best to fix it? How does one refresh the DVD/RW when trying to add or replace data? Grateful
if this is in Burning ROM, select data dvd, select refresh multisession, and continue, once i get home i will work on a guide if you need it, pm me...
Thanks for the offer of a guide. Let me continue to work on this via your past suggestions/assistance. If knicks continue, I'll holler back via this thread. Many Thanks