My DVD movie collection includes about 2 dozen non-copy-protected DVDs, such as Shrek, Nemo, etc (all are copied from my originals -- for the kids to use). I'm in the process of buying some high def equipment, including an upconverting (upscaling) DVD player with HDMI. Does anyone know whether you can upconvert (to 720p or 1080i) a non-copy-protected DVD movie over HDMI from the DVD player to the HDTV? Both the DVD player and the HDTV are HDCP compliant. Please cite the reference source with your answer. I've read on several sites that the HDCP protocol restricts the upconverting of copy-protected DVDs over component cables to 480i. If you want a higher resolution (720p or 1080i), then you must use HDMI or DVI. While all of this is clear about upconverting copy-protected DVDs, I have not seen anything definitive or clear about upconverting non-copy-protected DVDs. Thanks
A few links. This next one is a little technical but has some valuable insight as to what exactly HDCP is and how it functions... Another...