coul anyone help me out with this process there is nothing really wrong with my box apart from the codes change and i get them here but i have a cable to do it and dont know where to start if there is any big risk in breaking the box doing this i might just not bother if not could anyone help cheers
Heres more info on what you need and how to do it (Thanks to the original writer) You will need a null modem cable DB9F to DB9F. Null modem info If your pc does not have a serial port you will need a USB to serial port adapter to use in conjunction with the null modem cable. USB Adapter info Adaptor These two cable links are only for reference as they can be purchased alot cheaper on fleabay. All firmware/loader can be found in the link at the end of my post marked Eamos Library. You will need the GTromloader, (Starview Software Uploader), found in the Starview software folder of the link. You will need version 4.50 firmware for "THE B0X" in THE B0X firmware folder. And please download the Starview PDF guide,(similar instructions, this will give you step by step instructions on how to do everything.This can be found in the Starview Documentation folder in the link. [ + quote] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starview/EuroVox Info - Eamo's Library Starview Clone/Genuine Comparison
cheers but is there a risk had a skim through other posts there and a lot of talk of clones checked out some link with pics of non clone boxes and clone boxes left me even more confused mines was a mixture of both
Hi Sorry but you will have to decide from the pictures in the link if yours is a clone or not.This will tell you which software to load into your box and how to do it. jbvid
You could also count the vents on top just to confirm 18 slots x7 rows = clone 25 "x7 "= genuine Latest firmware for a clone is STAR_VIEW_H20060816_257eE_api_FIXED.bin
so what u think i have the the clone back the latest remote the origanal mother board with samsung chip but clon power suply and clone vents any idea
Treat it as a clone if you are unsure and load 2.57eE fixed to it, as you said all you want to do is have the keys autoroll for you. TBH not a tremendous difference between this and version 4 either way.