I have a Toshiba Laptop Satellite A105-S4324. My video card has 128mgb and I need to up grade to at least 400mgb in order to run Revit Architecture 2010. The video card is built in. Can I still buy a video card and up grade my Laptop? Thank you all!!!!!
moved to correct forum as not a windows software issue. laptop specs link http://www.csd.toshiba.com/cgi-bin/...A105-S4324&selCategory=3&selFamily=1073768663 32-Bit Autodesk Revit Architecture System Requirements link http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/pc/index?siteID=123112&id=12431819
I didn't find laptop specs link. The wb sites that you suggested I already visited, I know the Revit requirements, but there is not answer on Toshiba about the video card upgrade that is the main isue.
because it's an integrated intel, there's no chance of upgrading. besides, laptop graphics are rarily upgradable.
I tried installing Autodesk trial on my laptop (a tiny bit slower, but with the ability to allocate more system ram to video ram)...and the program ran in ultra-slow-motion after just a few things were added to a blank document. A blueprint for a small house would be impossible with an intel video adapter. It would take a very nice laptop to do that program justice (The HP dv7t ($1150) would do the job well enough...though not nearly as well as a desktop). Also be aware that such programs are designed for a mouse...doing a lot in them with the trackpad is going to hurt your wrists.