Upgrading OS

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by jetset, Mar 24, 2003.

  1. jetset

    jetset Guest

    I dont know much about operating systems or computers, but i really need to upgrade a Compaq Presario 2120 from windows 95 to either 98 or 2000? Which is better 98 or 2000? Does any one know if ill run into any problems with compatiblity.
  2. Liquid86

    Liquid86 Guest

    I can help you if I have a little more information on your system...saying you have a Compaq Presario 2120 is like saying you have a GM car when asking for an oil filter... Whats your Processor speed, memory, video memory, sound hardware etc. Since you've only got 95, I'd wager to say your system is a bit old, therefore making an upgrade to 2000 would probably not work. In all probability, since microsoft is beginning to drop support for 98, you may need a new machine entirely. Let me know via this message board and I can help you further.
  3. jetset

    jetset Guest

    Sorry I didnt give more info... it was late when i posted. The computer has a 150 MHz processor Media GX technology( it also says Presario 586, i dont know which is the real speed), 1245 MB video memory, generic soundcard, generic video card, 2.119 GB Hard drive. This computer really doesnt give a lot of info. Here's some other stuff which may be useful:eek:n-board SCSI is not supported, BIOS does not support hard drive DMA,system does not support enhanced IDE DMA,CD-ROM does not have boot support,does not have PCMCIA cpabilities, does not have integrated monitor and system board,EPP mode is not supported, ATAPI devices are not installed, 3-D audio support are not present, El-Torito standard CD-ROM boot is avaliable, and system ROM is socketed. It is also running MS-DOS version 7.0. I have no clue if this will make any sense to you, but i found it under a diagnostics and hope you understand it. If you think I shouldnt upgrade do you have any other suggestions other than trashing it? I just wanted to use it as an updated word processor.
  4. Liquid86

    Liquid86 Guest

    The problem with a machine this old is all the form factors for memory, processor, etc have all been made obsolite. So an actual hardware update for this machine will be next to impossible, also 98 may not even support the old features of this machine. I apologize if I sounded a little rude earlier, it was late for me too. :). What I reccommend doing is taking it to a second hand hardware store and seeing if they can bring you up to the level 98 would require, otherwise second hand machines (really nice ones in fact) are incredibly cheap...just as an example a machine like your most places won't even take so a donation to a school and taking a tax write off for it maybe a better option. Right now you would have to at the minimum upgrade your RAM and Hard Drive, as the hardrive you have may not support the formatting structure of 98...an upgrade to 2000 on this machine is not even feasable. In the end, the money you'll end up puting into this machine just to upgrade the OS probably isn't worth it, you'll end up spending around 200-300 dollars to do it. Also your processor is not even a pentium, just an in-house compaq. Otherwise office 97 or lower will still run on this machine. Office 97 will have all the feature you should need...the smaller niceties of 2000 or XP really wouldn't justify you spending extra money on a newer machine. I hope this helps some, I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help.

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