I can't tell what I blew, is the transformer gone or would it be a resistor,ect on the board, I see no fuses so I dunno where to start.
There is but it seems AC only. Also putting a volt meter on the AC side its putting out abut 110 volts but its not enough to run anything.
APC The battery side of the AC outs(the AC side that operatets under battery power when power is out) put out nothing, and the DC battery plugs(where you plug in the battery) put out nothing. When its plugged in and is getting some power as sated above.
which 1 in the apc you linked or in these links? http://www.apcc.com/support/tech_refs.cfm http://www.apcc.com/products/category.cfm?id=13&subid=5
how old is it & i presume it is out of warranty? why were you reconnecting the battery wire, new battery? can you get at the circuit board of the ups?
I got them used checked the to see if they were working checked the battery to see if it was holding a charge I was just not paying attention when I pluged the battery back in >< I just hate loseing out on 13$(I got it and 2 500's in a lot off ebay, one had old batteries the other 2 worked fine). If it can not be fixed I will just get another. I have it apart looking at it, should I bypass the breaker and see if it works alil without it?
the breaker should tied to the 120v side of ups. follow the 2 lines from battery to see if can see any damaged componets on circuit board. check for any domed or leaking brown stuff drum shaped capacitors. also see if any fuses on circuit board.