@Ca$h -I have action replay, got the linux files onto my xbox, now all i have to do is get mechassault. now, CA$H, If i buy a controller-port to Usb-port connecter cable, can i just transfer modded levels and crap straight to my xbox? That would be great if you can tell me, p.s. the cord i'm talkin about is http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-2b-70-1xz.html
You don't need the controller-usb thing, just get a Cat-5 crossover cable, then you can just ftp. And since you already have action replay and the linux files already on your xbox, you are in the process of softmodding so you don't need the chip mentioned above either. Looks like all you need is MechAssault. Be sure to get the original version, not Xbox Classics or any of the newer versions.
The cat-5 crossover cable looks just like my xbox live ethernet cable? will it still work the same way?
okay, here is my problemo, I have ARmax, mechassault, every thing i need to softmod, now why when i open mechassault and press A on linux installer, it says cannot load linux installer? I dont get it, this is seriously pissin me off. plz help edit: Plz check my halo 2 site, i have some modding questions. and also i have daily tips and good stuff, plz help me, your co-operation is greatly appreciated! the site is http://xanga.com/halofan90
Actually, i put it on the hard drive, but I forgot to change it from the SC file to the MA file, and the MA file is to big in size of blocks, so im gonna buy a USB-Xbox adapter cable