I'm new to this hobby and just bought a Sony DVD model DRX 530- URL external burner. Can anybody provide me with the link where I can obtain this driver so that I can speed-up my burn time? Any help would be appreciated.
Its not just the USB2 driver you need, you also need to have a USB2 compatible port on the computer. If you are running the external drive off USB1 ports, the driver isn't going to help unless you install a card with USB2 ports. Hope I didn't confuse you. jerry
Thanks Jerry, I was afraind of that. Is the anyway I can tell whether my external ports are USB1 or USB2. Thanks in advance!
Sorry, I was away from the computer for a while. Veblin gave you a good link to see what USB type you have. Your computer documents should also tell you if you still have the paperwork that came with it. Jerry
Thanks Veblin and Jerry, I tried the link but still unclear. My documentation did not say either just USB, I bought my Compaq 5108US in July 2001.
Hi noodles, Try this: Start > Control Panel > System > Hardware > Device Manager. Once in Device Manager, scroll down to "Universal Serial Bus Controllers" and double click it. There should now be a list of the different controllers your system is using. Look for any controller that says "enhanced" somewhere in the description. Enhanced means it is a USB 2 controller. If none of the controllers are enhanced it means you currently only have USB 1.1 support. Your next option would be to get an inexpensive USB2 PCI card to run your burner properly _X_X_X_X_X_[small] JMLS-166S/Plextor PX-708A/Plextor Premium My Collection http://www.intervocative.com/dvdcollection.aspx/Rephaim[/small]