I have a laptop which has USB 1.0.I am getting an external DVD burner.Is there something i can get which converts 1.0 to 2.0?
Sorry, misread your question. It's not possible to convert 1.0 to 2.0 because otherwise you would need to replace the actual USB port.
As TM no you cant covert USB1.0/1.1 to USB2.0. The only way would be to get a PCMCIA USB2.0 card. The DVD Burner might work, but of course it will be going at a slower speed, and could cause some errors. Regards CoZZa
No, i was saying if you use USB1.0/1.1 you could get more errors then running off USB2.0, due to the slow speed. I would recommand that if ur going to get an external burner, is that you buy the PCMCIA USB2.0 Card. Regards CoZZa