usb thumb drive with an xbox

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by TheKasinO, Jan 22, 2006.

  1. TheKasinO

    TheKasinO Member

    Aug 9, 2005
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    i wanna use my usb thumb drive with my xbox i know how to make my memcard slot to a usb slot but idont htink i can add normal files. my xbox dashboard is XBMC and i want to send WHATEVER files i want to and from the thumb drive i DO NOT want to use th ethumb drive as a memery card. is there a driver or program i need to do that? bc i definately wanna just go to file explorer and send files to and fro trough there.

    any help or advice is appreciated
  2. softmodd

    softmodd Regular member

    Sep 21, 2005
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    I needed help with this too. I got one of those plugs that turns your controller port into a female usb port. But when I put something on it with my computer and then try to transfer it to my Xbox my Xbox formats the jump drive. Then I can use it as a normal jump drive from Xbox to Xbox but that isn't what I want to do. When I stick it back in my computer it formats it again. So can anyone help us?
  3. TheKasinO

    TheKasinO Member

    Aug 9, 2005
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    ok man i use XBMC as my dash and i found out that everytme i add a memory card to my xbox when xbmc is on there it will add a xbmc file on the memory card. i tested this with a diff memory card but not a usb memory card. take the XBMC xml files (i dont know if they are xml ) but whatever files they are to read itll crate a blank folder you can add ANY kind of file to this i used a couple MP3s to the memory card and the mem card must b in the first controlloer prort in xbmc u can open the files. they will b either under the f (if you have the stockl HDD) or nder the g drive (this is for me it may b the same for you) u can double check if you have unleashX by goin to file explorer and addin a memory card in the slot. another drive with a letter will come up there are 8 letters bc there are 8 mem card slots.

    Like i said i use XBMC and i ftped the files that xbmc used and add those in hte source folder with another folder in that folder i add whatever files i want. i dont have a thumb drive with me now but ive already added the usb port on the xbox. just waitin for the thumb drive to test it. I may post a tutorial with pics for people that use XBMC as a dash and want to stream music and video off of there thumb drive. but im havein trouble upgraddin the hard drive in my brothers xbox. its softmodded and ive followed 2 tutorials PERFECT and neither worked. if u still need help my aim is" TheKasino "
  4. Allegro1

    Allegro1 Regular member

    Oct 7, 2005
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    I know that Avalaunch, evox, boxexplorer, and many other file manager programs simply see the mem card/usb drive as simply another volume in the directory path. I use a 128MB USB stick to transfer files and have no problems with it. In fact, that is how I softmod xboxes. I FTP'ed the save files onto the stick, then plug the USB/xbox cable into a new box and do a save game memory transfer onto the new xbox's HD, run 007AUF and voila! I know 128MB is not much, but it cost only $10 at CompUSA and the cable cost nothing (I just spliced a USB cable onto an old controller cable), so it is a nice, inexpensive way to do softmods.
  5. TheKasinO

    TheKasinO Member

    Aug 9, 2005
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    but im tryin to upgrade the hard drive on my xbox ive tried many tutorials adn all have failed me i follow instructions perfectly. the closest ive gotten now is i have my chipped xbox format the new hard drive but i need to lock the hard drive to the unchipped xbox. i heard use config magic but i dont know any tutorials on it. i am goin to look but i only found people tryin to use new eeproms to go on live i need th eeeprom to upgrade the softmodded hard drive. ima go look at tutorials and stuff on configmagic nasd see if i can figure it out.

    also any mod chip will allow a unlocked hard drive to run right? so i can buy some of those cheap duoX2 chips and just use the already formatted hard drive unlocked nad run it right?
  6. matttrott

    matttrott Member

    Feb 4, 2006
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    i just spliced an old controler cable and a female USB plug together hoping i could plug my USB thumb drive into so i could move my saved games over to a new xbox but the xbox syas MEMORY UNIT 1S the memory unit you inserted isn't functioning; it may be damaged. what am i doing wrong?


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