I'm finally just sending the action replay hardware to Hell, and am going to use a regular pen drive. Now, I'm going to make a cord. Can I just simply take my USB extension cord, a regular XBOX controller, cut both of the wires in half, and solder the corresponding wires to each other to make a converter cord? Tutorials, support, your two cents, whatever; it's appreciated.
yes you can go here for a tutorial. it is very easy to do, it only took me about 15 minutes http://www.how2xbox.com/usbadapter.htm
pretty much color to color,except for the yellow which should get folded over or cut. Also some USB cords have an extra black.
Yellow isnt used for anything (exept mods like putting an extra button on your controller to turn xbox on off) and blacks are grounds
I wanted to say thank you to all of you that contributed. I made the cord, no sweat, but my USB device wasn't compatible with the XBOX Hell, I'm just going to make a USB XBOX pad, it'd probably work the same, right?