I just came accross this: http://www.usbhdtv.com/ Nice little HDTV device that will work for people with Notebooks.
Howdy Prisoner, I have been looking for something just like this. Searched ebay and google with no joy. The only one's out are in the far east and i am not sure of standards compatibility. Anyway, hope they are available in the states soon... blank812
It was supose to be available in Jan in the USA. Look at: http://www.techtree.com/techtree/jsp/showstory.jsp?storyid=4299 But I haven`t seen it anywhere yet. I think it should be around soon.
Hooray... Its finally available in the US. Ordered mine from www.copperbox.com and it should be shipping today... $300+... I hope it works as advertised....
Good to hear it finally hit the USA market. That means in about a year I will see it up here in Canada. Let me know if it works.
It arrived about a week ago and I set up immediately. First impressions of it are not great. It looks like they rushed the documentation translation to english. So far I have managed to figure most of the software out, but I have been unable to achieve a true hdtv quality picture. This may be due to my crappy laptop which bears a SIS graphics chip or the digital cable construction work occuring in my neighborhood. I think my cable box needs upgrading or something... As, I have only been able to achieve analog signals to the onair device... Think maybe I should have got a tivo Oh well, going to keep working on the configuration... as I may be doing something wrong...
Sounds disappointing that you are only geting anolog off the think. IS your notebook fast enough to handle HDTV? Most notebook LCD are really good and you should be able to get the resolution, but your USB2 port may be slow, and that could affect it. Do you also have a HDtv to test if its the input cable?
The laptop is a Compaq Presario 3017c, and has a p4 2.8 GHz processor and a SIS M650 graphics chip, USB 2.0 patched by Microsoft, and firewire. The laptop seems fine for burning and viewing DVD's. The OnAir documentation recommends the latest nvidia or ati graphics chips, so that may be my problem there. As for an HDTV source to compare it to... I wish The thing is though, it does not even appear as good a my regular analog tv. That's why I said I should have got a TIVO or something. That way I could record my programs to DVD for later viewing. Also, I am going to build a new desktop soon, when they come out w/ PCI express... will try the OnAir on that...
You could probally return it if its not too good. If your going to build a new PC then you should get a good PCI based HDTV card.