I used a program called dvd2xbox to rip a DVD to a image on my xbox because there is problems with my DVD drive. The DVD is Firewall. Im guessing it didnt Decypt it so now Im trying to use this and mount the image using Daemon Tools. So I did that and it seems to be ok. I start up DVD Decypter and it reads I/O Error! Device: EQ3930Q YQG432N 1.0 (H (SCSI) ScsiStatus: 0x02 Interpretatin: Check Condition CDB: 28 00 00 30 0e 25 00 00 01 00 Interpetation: Read (10) - Sector: 3149349 Sense Area: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 21 00 00 00 00 00 Interpretatin: Logical Block Address out of range. Retry Doesnt do anything. Then if I try to continue it keeps giving me errors. The DVD got made into a image on my Xbox perfect so I dont think its disk read error problems. Any Help
i would ftp the image from the xbox to my pc and extract it and burn the files in nero as a DVD Video.....
Yes I did FTP the image from my xbox to my pc. Now I mounted it with Daemon Tools. I tryed DVD Shrink and got errors and now DVD Decypter getting errors. I cant just burn the image cause its Dual Layer and I only have a Single layer burner.
I just tryed DVD Shrink and then Nero Recode. DVD Shrink gave me a error that it would not read from it and the pareniter is incorrect. Nero said that its copy right protected and it cant copy it. How can I decypt it when DVD shrink,dvd decypter dont work.
Try to use CloneDVD2 to shrink and burn,together with AnyDVD running in the background to break the copy protection. Vincent.
Well I was just messing with it trying to get it to read and I think I extracted enogh of the files for at least the Movie No extras or anything. Im trying to rebuild it into a ISO right now using DVD Rebuilder. Hopefully it works. Ill post back later
OK. I have been trying all day and I got the movie out in .Vob form. I want to make it into a .ISO What program would put this into a Iso.