I am considering buying a Western Digital 2.5" 500gb Caviar GP SATA WD5000CSRTL Internal Hard Drive and an enclosure for it. I was wondering if it can be bus powered.
How about an aluminum enclosure(2.5", SATA) that is bus powered and supports Western Digital 500gb 2.5" SATA Internal WD5000BEVT? I hope this HDD is 2.5"; if it isn't, I will end up suing someone.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817332014 i have that enclosure with the 320gig scorpio black drive. works well, and is all aluminum. one of the reviewers said it works with the 500gig scorpio blue.
Thank you very much; I have been in need of more memory, but I want to be able to carry files with me. This is very helpful.